Tag: 5p

March 4, 2022 /

Anyone who knows my gaming preferences will tell you that I am not at all a fan of many party games. I just find them less that gratifying, with usually little to no skill or strategy involved, and also typically invites lewd and disgusting suggestions and behaviors. No thanks. However,…

February 18, 2022 /

I came across Sinister Fish Games back when they launched their Kickstarter for Villagers. The promise of set collection and card drafting drew me in, and the stellar gameplay keeps me coming back for more! So when I saw that Sinister Fish was launching another game, I knew I had…

February 7, 2022 /

You know that feeling when you play a game that FEELS familiar, but has really improved on certain aspects? Take, for example, the famed “Yahtzee mechanic” that has been extended and improved upon by so many games. Or the “I Cut, You Choose mechanic” that has shown up in several…

February 5, 2022 /

I think I’ve mentioned before that my FLGS has a Used Game Sale every year. People can bring in games they no longer want, and have the opportunity to sell them. The event itself has actually gotten pretty big and intense, with people camping outside the store hours before opening…

January 24, 2022 /

Before we had children and pets my wife and I would love to visit the humane societies back home on a Saturday morning. Sometimes looking for ourselves, sometimes just to see the lovelies being kept, and maybe once or twice volunteering to walk the animals. One place I never really…

January 19, 2022 /

High School. While many have horrible memories of that time period of life, I personally did not have many negative experiences. However, I do remember the different cliques, and those that could and could not be trusted. So when I heard about the new Crimes & Capers series from Renegade…

January 10, 2022 /

We ALL loved those “Adventure Books That Let You Choose Your Own Path” when growing up. At least I THINK we all loved them. But what would happen if the same premise was applied to a card game and set in the same universe as another game from the same…

January 5, 2022 /

Barcelona! One of my favorite cities I have ever visited. I have sweet memories and also sour memories of this wonderful place. I have walked the streets, tipped the street performers, performed at the Universitat de Barcelona, but I also have mistakenly happened upon a brothel at night and had…

January 3, 2022 /

As you’ve read in our previous reviews, we are BIG fans of the Valeria-verse games. Whether we have to recruit adventurers for quests, build a thriving village, or traverse the lands to protect its people from various Monsters, we are all about this realm. For this newest installation in the…

December 31, 2021 /

One of the many recent trends in board games has been that of playing as the villains in the game’s lore. One of the bigger games that I remember employing this little shift is Legendary: Marvel Villains, and another that I truly enjoy is Disney Villainous. There is just something…

December 17, 2021 /

It’s a great sign when your 5-year-old wants to play a game over, and over, and over, and over… right? Especially if you also really enjoy playing? You never really know what to expect with new games and, luckily, this one is great… especially if you have kiddos or uptight…

November 27, 2021 /

As I’ve said many times before – I am a HUGE fan of the Valeria-verse from Daily Magic Games. From the OG Valeria Card Kingdoms, to even the small dice game Corsairs of Valeria, the world, lore, and gameplay have me hooked. So when I saw a Kickstarter for a…

November 22, 2021 /

When it comes to game mechanics, set collection is my JAM. Auction/bidding and push your luck, not so much….. So when Alderac Entertainment Group brought TEN into my life, I was a bit wary at first. A game of collecting sequences/sets of numbers? Awesome!! Add in bidding for Wildcards or…

November 15, 2021 /

Christmastime. No longer strictly a Christian holiday, but yet a staple in American (and global) holiday traditions. The holiday designed to give gifts to loved ones, and send messages of love and hope to the world. This is exactly what they WANT you to think! We all know that Christmas…

November 10, 2021 /

One neat thing about the board gaming hobby is how many new games are designed/created daily. So much innovation, creativity, and hype surrounds new releases and helps keep us gamers hooked! That being said, what happens to older games as time goes on? Can they still hold their own over…