The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…
Mickey and Friends: Food Fight! (2021) | The Op |
3-5 Players | 15 minutes |
Ages 6+ (pfft) | BGG Weight – 1.00 / 5 |
Mickey and Friends: Food Fight! is one of those games that both children and adults are going to absolutely love. For kids, it’s easy: they get to throw food at the adults in their lives and there is very little strategy needed to play and be successful. For adults: this is one of those games that is very fast-paced and easy – perfect for those times between heavier games to get the juices flowing again and start literal fights at the table. Is it perfect? No, but it’s really close!

Setup is a breeze. Place the red tray board in the middle of the play area equidistant to all players. Each player then chooses the tray they wish to play from, and the appropriate number of random food tokens. They also receive one of each of the three types of dice and the game is ready to begin!
Mickey and Friends: Food Fight! is a constantly and simultaneously dice rolling and token shedding game for three to five players of ANY age. Players will roll all three of their dice that determine which food item is thrown (neatly placed on a tray, of course), how many of those are thrown (1, 2, or 3), and which direction they are thrown (player to the Left, player to the Right, onto the red serving tray, or anywhere the player wishes). The winner of the round is the player who can rid themselves of their food tokens first and then earns one Mickey Medal. The player who is first to earn three Mickey Medals is the winner of the game!

Components. Okay, this is a game from The Op and they usually have some pretty great components. I have one qualm with the components in this game. I wish the food tokens were Bakelite instead of superthick cardboard. While my copy has not yet started to show wear, I know it is coming soon. I play this with children and VERY eager adults, and sometimes grabbing those food tokens too aggressively makes me cringe because I know they are going to wear down or just rip at any moment. I do not have access to a Bakelite manufacturer, but that would be my suggestion for an upgrade. Yeah, the game is inexpensive already, and I could easily just replace it with another copy, but it’s the principle!!
So all in all, Purple Phoenix Games officially highly recommends this game to any and all gamers. It is extremely light, playful, energizing, and just silly fun. Roll some dice, fling some food, and try to get rid of everything ASAP. I also really enjoy the stylized artwork throughout. It’s not necessarily the same style you are used to seeing Disney characters, but it’s like quasi-retro? Maybe? I was no art major. It looks new but meant to be vintage. Whatever that is called. In any case, if you see this in the wild, I recommend you pick it up and give it a whirl. Everyone you play with will thank you for it. Even the kids.