Games I Wish I Had Back

My wife is usually right about most things. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize and accept it. My game collection has morphed so much from when I first started this journey, and I have regrets. I have been active in the BGG Auction scene in the past, but have slowed down quite a lot as of late. I used to have games delivered to my mailbox weekly, if not daily, for a while. Anyway, I have gotten rid of so many games that I wish I hadn’t, and here is a list of those. If you have these, and our tastes usually align, KEEP THEM. Or you’ll have regrets too.

Mage Knight Board Game
This is, admittedly, a game I would probably only get to play solo. It has a lot going on, and many of my gaming friends would be quite overwhelmed. I did enjoy it when I did play it though.

Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar
Tzolk’in is SO good and such a cool mechanism with that calendar dial. However, it’s longer than my typical play groups like to invest in games, so onto other collections it went. Sigh.

Battlestar Galactica
So I still have never played this one. I know Laura has it, so I am not tooooooo upset by its departure, and maybe someday I will play it. But, it has left my collection. This is a teetery title since I haven’t played it yet, and I don’t really miss it soooooo much. I feel like I need to have it in my collection for some reason still.

Kemet is one of those games that I really like and don’t have many games similar to it. I have so very few “dudes on a map” games, and this is one of the best. I just would have needed to plan a specific time to get this played and didn’t happen for the longest time so I decided to pass it along to appreciative others.
UPDATE: I have backed the new Kemet: Blood and Sand, so I look forward to receiving and loving it!

A Game of Thrones TBG (Second Edition)
So I had this game for a very short amount of time. If I can’t find playmates to play a 2-3 hour game, there sure is no hope of finding players for 2-4 hour game that possibly ruins relationships.

I really enjoyed this game the few times I was able to play it. I was in the minority. Maybe worker placement games just aren’t for everyone. I love the meeples in the book. Novel and genius.

Glory to Rome (Black Box)
I originally procured this game with the intention to learn and play it since it was then touted as many gamers’ favorite games. Once I read the rules I knew it wasn’t for my group at the time. Luckily I got a nice ROI but I still wonder if I would have liked it if I were to have kept it.

This one hurts. I loved this game a lot. The deck building. The awesome components. The artwork. The colors. It’s beautiful. You know what? I might get it back again, actually. I need it back.

Space Alert
This was procured because I wanted something that forced us into frenzy with real-time obstacles. This game definitely delivers that, but I could never get it to the table. The shame.

Hive Carbon
Good ol Hive. And not just normal Hive. Hive Carbon (review), with the black and white streamlined color scheme. So much game in such an elegant and beautiful package. Why did I ever get rid of you? Doesn’t matter. I got you back and you are here to stay. I mean, even my 3 year old son asks to “play” Hive at home several times a week. I love it.

Ghost Stories
This is one of those games that is supposed to be rather difficult to beat. I’m sure with enough plays you can eek out a victory here or there. But that’s the problem. We have so many games that it’s tough to do lots of plays of games, especially when they are so hard to win consistently. I am game to try it over and over, but sadly, I am the only one.

This is such a cute cute chibi game that requires some real thought. Maybe that’s the disconnect that my playmates found as they were dealing out disapproving remarks. I still like the game, and I’m pretty sure Josh has it in his collection, so I’m not completely without. Just need to play it again.

Mice and Mystics
This is one of those that started this whole mess. My wife got me M&M for my birthday one year. I played it once or twice with family. They were pretty meh on it, but I was diggin it. I unfortunately sold it via BGG auction and my wife still bring it up every time I mention running another auction. I do wish I had this back, but when I consider picking it up again, I just know she’s going to give me the “I told you so” speech. Sigh.

Firefly: The Game
As a self-proclaimed nerd, I was proud to own Firefly: The Game for as long as I owned it. I played it exactly one and a half times (once solo and once with 2 players but the game had to be cut short). It’s a fabulous game and I do adore it. It is such a table hog, though, and sometimes outstays its welcome. But I really need the Serenity on my table. Oh bother.

Citadels (2000)
I am making a distinction here. I had this long box game and we had such a great time with it. But when you’re a BGG auctioner nearly everything is for trade. I guess I didn’t realize how much my wife enjoyed it because when we went to a game store’s grand opening she picked up the 2016 version of Citadels and bought it right away. So we have the newest version in our collection now. Yay!

Last Will
Last Will is such a cool game. Be the first to LOSE all your money? Aww come on, that’s a GREAT premise! Brewster’s Millions: The Board Game (not official) is really wonderful and I have fond memories of it. Maybe I will pick it up again someday, if I can get it onto the shelves without my wife noticing…

Thunderstone Advance
So I have never played any Thunderstone game to date. I was attracted to the pitch though: deck building, but then you use the deck you’ve built to fight off monsters and stuff. Now, I have Roll Player and the expansions, so I get the same kinda feeling, but it’s not really deck building, and deck building is my jam. So I’m kinda on the fence with this one too. I think Josh has Thunderstone Quest, so maybe I’ll just play that with him.

Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
Back when I used to read a lot more I tried to get into the Discworld series. I really did. I got mostly through The Colour of Magic but never finished. That could be why I didn’t quite understand all the references in this game, and why we ultimately passed on this. But I keep thinking about it and now it’s really tough to get our hands on. C’est la vie, I guess.

Ahh Jamaica. Race around the island, gather resources, fight your friends. Or stay at the starting line for the entire game, eh Josh and Laura? The first time we played Jamaica it was just an okay experience. So I got rid of it. But then I saw it on sale at an online retailer and picked it up again (along with The Crew expansion) and I will never part with it again! It’s so good! Review coming soon.

Tokaido is a game that you really can’t take too seriously. It’s about having the most memorable and relaxing trip through Japan and enjoying it as much as possible. It’s supposed to be relaxing. When you play with people who find it difficult to relax, the experience of this title is greatly lessened. Lesson learned, I just got rid of it. I do still miss it, but Josh has the Collector’s Edition, so I can go play his if I really want.

Another of those near impossible to beat games, copies of Yggdrasil have always been somewhat hard to come by. So when I got my copy and played it the first few times we were beat. Bad. But then we won once! ONCE! It quelled our appetite for destruction, and as it was hard to come by, I used it as a tool to purchase other titles. I have the app and play it sometimes, but it’s just not the same. I missed the most recent KS too, so don’t throw that at me. I’m just sad without it.

Witch’s Brew
Yes, I had Witch’s Brew at one time. Well before Broom Service was a thing I had this and I really liked it. My wife liked it way more than me. This was another game that was highly sought after and fetched quite a price when I got rid of it. Though I don’t really miss Witch’s Brew, I miss the feeling of having one of those grail games again. But I have Broom Service now and it’s a superior game in almost every way, so I am not too bummed about it.

Dice Town (2012)
Dice Town is one of the loudest games I have ever played. Mostly because of those dang plastic cups slamming on the table all the time. I used this as auction fodder, but missed the action and the mechanics, so I got the newer version back (with expansions haha) and I am quite happy to have it.

Catacombs (2010)
I think I love flicking games. I do NOT love this version of Catacombs though. This is unfortunate, but art really can make or break a game for me I’ve found. This game was just so ugly to me that I had to get rid of it. Now, Kwanchai Moriya is one of my favorite, if not my overall favorite, game artists of all time, and his art on the most recent version of Catacombs makes me want to pull the trigger, but I have other flicking games that I really enjoy so I’m at a gaming impasse. Help me make a decision?

Tsuro is so fun and so easy. Too easy? Perhaps. I did enjoy having the game, but I could really only stomach a couple more plays of it before I would have gotten burned out. So out it went. I am looking forward to the new Tsuro: Phoenix Rising though!! Purple Phoenix pawn for me! Dibs! Called it!
UPDATE: Phoenix Rising wasn’t all that.

A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game
So this is such a weird game. Those Flying Frog games just have a look and feel about them that is a little off-putting. It’s the art. I know it’s the art. Or rather, the photos? If you have played one of these you know what I’m talking about. The game play is pretty solid, but I wonder if I would enjoy one of the other themed games from Flying Frog. What are your thoughts?