Fake Diamonds. We have all seen them, but can you tell which is which? I usually cannot. It sparkles, it’s a diamond in my eyes. Luckily I have also never been hoodwinked into purchasing fake diamonds either. But could I sell someone a fake diamond? This is the question that this little card game sets out to answer. Oh, and will your opponents be able to call your bluff?
Fake Diamonds (2020) | self-published |
2-6 Players | 20-30 minutes |
Ages 8+ | BGG Weight – (not yet available) |
Fake Diamonds is a card game where players are attempting to score the most points by having the strongest collection of gold and gem cards in their VP pile by game end. Players earn these cards by way of a re-theming and elevating of the classic high school/college card game “Bull&#$*.”
DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and the final components may be different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give our readers an idea of how the game plays. You are invited to join the pre-sale beginning in July 2020, order from your FLGS, or purchase through any retailers stocking it after it is released. -T
To setup, separate the VP cards into piles of Gold, Gems, Rubies, and Diamonds. Next shuffle up the Mine cards and randomly remove six of them. Shuffle the Action cards and similarly randomly remove six. Deal the remaining Action cards to the players and the game is ready to begin!

Playing the game could NOT be easier. There are three steps on a player’s turn: Draw a Mine card. Grab a gem card. Play an Action card (optional). That’s it.
A player will draw a Mine card without any other players seeing it and place the card face-down in front of them. From here the player may choose ANY Gem card from the offer stacks. The Gem card COULD match the drawn Mine card, or the player may bluff the group by grabbing any card available. Then, if uncontested, the player may play one Action card from their hand if they choose. Their turn is over.
But if their Gem card choice is contested by an opponent (calling their bluff), the player will need to prove that they have mined the correct gem or face the consequence of losing that precious card to the accuser.
This is the game. Simple! However, these special Action cards are what really make this game. Sure, simple bluffing card games are plentiful, but Fake Diamonds includes the Action cards that allow players to take the Mine action a second time during their turn. Or allow players to be able to take a Diamond card (4VP) without opponents being able to call their bluff. Or even stop an action altogether. These cards are literal game changers.

Components. Again, we were presented with a prototype copy of this game, but I will comment on what we were provided. This game is a large stack of cards. The art on the Gem cards is cool and resembles flat computer iconography (specifically Sardi to my eyes). The art on the Mine cards are similar in style as they all depict the art of the Gem cards. The Action cards feature a similar, but more cartoony, art style. All said, the game is enjoyable to look at and we have no complaints at all.
But did we like it? Heck yeah! Honestly, when I opened the mail and saw the cards, and read the rules I thought that I for sure would just be very meh about it. However, when playing this as a 2 player game with my wife, and then as a 4 player game the next day I noticed that some people REALLY get into bluffing for the sake of bluffing. I am horrible at bluffing and I usually am too afraid to bluff very often, but sometimes Ya Gotta Try (excellent jazz tune). We have played LOTS of bluffing games, and this one is great for its quick playtime, easy teach, and straight up bluffing and take that. If you have a hole in your collection for a little game like this one, jump on the pre-sale beginning in July 2020. Tell the designer Purple Phoenix Games sent ya!