In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection.
This breakdown is for the excellent bidding and castle building game Castles of Mad King Ludwig, and the expansion is named Secrets, from Bezier Games.
This expansion includes new starting Barbicans, Moats, Reference tiles, Swan tokens, Secret Passages, and a bunch of new Room tiles, all shown below.

Secrets adds several new large border tiles (Barbicans and Moats) that are somewhat the main features of this expansion along with the actual Secret Passages and Swans. The Barbicans replace the starting tiles, so each player begins the game with a fancy new drawbridge and foyer. The Moats, however, will be purchased during game play for 5000 marks and joined to the Barbican to begin creating a border within which the normal castle Room tiles may be placed. The Moats award three VP once built, and bonus VP for the number of rooms already built within the player’s castle.
The Secret Passages allow two rooms to be connected that otherwise may not have been. They are able to connect these ONLY at entrances to the rooms, and each player is given a set of them at setup.
Swans are present on the expansion Room tiles, and when they are added to the main contract bidding board a Swan token is placed upon it. The winner of the Room tile containing Swans collects the tokens and they can be used as money or as VP at the end of the game.
Is it necessary to own? Absolutely not. Castles of Mad King Ludwig is an amazing game without its expansion. However, if your games are getting a little samey or old (I don’t see how) then throwing in this expansion will certainly liven it up for you. Adding the components (which can fit in a medium sized baggie) is a breeze and they are mostly intuitive with their accompanying rules.
Official Recommendation: I love Castles of Mad King Ludwig. I also love the Secrets expansion. I think the expansion adds a few new and exciting layers to an already-kinda-crazy game that throws in much more strategy. As if connecting all those oddly-shaped Room tiles wasn’t strategic enough! I recommend you pick this up if you are a completionist, a true fan of the game, or are no longer finding the base game exciting.