Yer a deck-builder, Harry. So many times we gamers are “treated” to really horrible games based on IPs (intellectual properties). For some reason, designers and publishers seem to care about getting games in hands that have a certain brand or logo on them, and don’t really care about the game…
Purple Phoenix Games Posts
Game nights with the group are some of my favorite nights, but pesky schedules and “personal lives” often get in the way. Not being able to play with the group hasn’t slowed my gaming roll though, and I am always on the lookout for good, solo-able games! So when I…
Man, this game looks great! The components are really cool! The premise is excellent, and something that is somewhat underused! This is going to be amazing! We get to be Harry Potter and his friends tracking down baddies and using spells to squish them back in their book! Except, it…
The Tiny Epic series. Where do we begin? They’re tiny and they’re epic – need I say more? Oh, I do have to say more? Ok then, here I go. Tiny Epic Defenders was the first of these games that I ever played, so I think it’s appropriate that it…
Are you up for some role play? If so, you’ll have to find a different website for that. But if you’re up for some *roll* play, then you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to Roll Player – a strategic game of dice rolling, card drafting, and character creation! Roll…