In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection.
This breakdown is for the push-your-luck dice game BANG! The Dice Game‘s modular expansion Undead or Alive.
The Undead or Alive expansion offers several modules that can be added or left out at the players’ discretion. Module 1 is entitled “Look Me in the Eyes” and cannot be used unless Module 2 is also included. This module replaces two normal white dice for the new black Duel dice. On the Duel dice is a new icon of crossed pistols signifying a duel. The player who rolled this symbol chooses another player and they engage in a roll-off using the Duel die. Whichever player loses will need to take a random Wound Token found in this expansion. Module 2 is “Two Bullets Are Enough” and references the new Rage cards included. Every time a player suffers two or more lost hit points they must draw a Rage card to be used at the start of their next turn. Module 3 is “A New Posse in Town” and simply add in the new character cards to the base game characters. The catch is that some characters have special abilities that only trigger if the appropriate expansion module is being used, so character choices may need to be adjusted.
If you have been wondering why it is called Undead or Alive because no undead anything has yet to be mentioned, you are now in luck. Module 4 is “Undead or Alive?” and can only be used when playing with four or more players. This module has players revealing Boneyard cards when eliminated from the game. Once the number of zombie hands depicted on revealed Boneyard cards equals the number of players a zombie outbreak is initiated. At this point all eliminated characters now become zombies and are tasked with a new goal: eliminate all living characters. Zombies only use three white dice during their turns and do not gain life from beers or other effects. The survivors now switch focus to eliminating all zombies and their Zombie Master (I will let you discover this on your own).
The final module is Module 5 “Wild West Legacy.” This module is only used when playing multiple games of BANG! The Dice Game in succession. This module introduces a method of determining which player will become the next Sheriff in the next game and rules for changing characters between games.

Is it necessary to include the Undead or Alive expansion to enjoy BANG! The Dice Game? Absolutely not. It adds a lot of new content and ways to play the original game, but is not an absolute need.
Official recommendation: I categorize this as an expansion that I am super glad I have now in my collection because I know exactly the gamers with whom I want to play it. I don’t think I will use it every time I play BANG! The Dice Game, but I certainly think it is something that regular players of the base game should pick up. Being able to re-enter the game and gang up on those that were playing without you is a huge step up from typical player elimination style games. I hate being eliminated right away and waiting a long time to get back into a game. Luckily, BANG! The Dice Game is short to begin with, but coming back as a zombie is mega sweet.