Tag: hand

March 4, 2019 /

“Yer a hero, Travis!” … said no Hagrid to me ever in my life. However, I do enjoy playing heroes in my board games. As Robin Hood you live by few rules: rob from the rich, give to the poor, and save your fellow Merry Men. That dastardly Sheriff of…

February 22, 2019 /

We at Purple Phoenix Games love Kickstarting games. We probably do it more than we should, but I am sure we are not alone in this. I, myself, have backed 59 games or game-related products to date (as of February 2019). Not all of them have been that good (I’m…

February 22, 2019 /

One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear…

February 13, 2019 /

You own a restaurant located on Hanamikoji Street in one of Japan’s most famous Geisha districts. As a way to drum up business, you have begun to hire Geishas as entertainment for your patrons. Skilled in traditional music, dance, and art, Geishas are highly respected entertainers in Japan. However, a…

January 30, 2019 /

You know how sometimes you open a game box for the first time and you just know that it’s going to be amazing? You pull out all the components for inspection and admiration. You flip through the cards. You notice that the gems are all individual, unique models and not just…

January 18, 2019 /

When I say ‘nightclub,’ I know what you’re thinking – strobe lights, loud music, and dancing. What you DON’T think of is the fact that getting into the club in the first place probably means you had to wait in line outside. Some people take their clubbing very seriously, and the entrance…

January 7, 2019 /

So rarely does a game present itself that is both very difficult for highly educated people to learn the first play through, and is simultaneously easy enough to play in under 15 minutes whilst carrying on a conversation about something entirely different. Such is my love. Such is 7 Wonders.…

December 28, 2018 /

Finding a time when the entire group can get together to game can be rare – there always seems to be at least one person who cannot come. But fear not! Low attendance at any given game night does not automatically make it a dud! There are many excellent games…

December 24, 2018 /

Okay, so Saboteur isn’t one of the newest or shiniest board games on the market at the moment. Here’s the thing, it doesn’t need to be. It is profoundly unique, and well, scratched a BIG itch at its debut. I cannot think, off the top of my head, of a…

December 21, 2018 /

One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear…

December 19, 2018 /

Bean farmin’.  Don’t get better’n that.  Unless you’re corn farmin’.  An’ we should know.  We are from the Quad Cities, the booger of the man made by Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.  Look here.  Yes, we are surrounded by corn fields, but our home is not within a corn field.  Actually,…

December 12, 2018 /

Game nights with the group are some of my favorite nights, but pesky schedules and “personal lives” often get in the way. Not being able to play with the group hasn’t slowed my gaming roll though, and I am always on the lookout for good, solo-able games! So when I…

December 10, 2018 /

Man, this game looks great!  The components are really cool!  The premise is excellent, and something that is somewhat underused!  This is going to be amazing!  We get to be Harry Potter and his friends tracking down baddies and using spells to squish them back in their book! Except, it…